Student Clubs 

Ventura College Clubs provide students with opportunities to engage with classmates, 获得宝贵的领导经验, and work to achieve common goals while developing social and professional relationships. Ventura College Student Clubs and organizations are crucial to the student experience on campus and consistently prepare and plan engaging student events and activities. 

Inter-Club Council

The Inter-Club Council (ICC) is made up of representatives from each Ventura College club to work together to promote campus student life, student engagement, 以及学生社团和领导的倡导. All officially recognized VC student clubs and organizations are considered members of the ICC. 

ICC meetings are chaired by the ASVC Director of Student Clubs & Organizations. All clubs and organizations must have an Inter-Club Council student representative and attend the ICC meetings throughout the semester. 

Spring 2024 ICC meetings are scheduled for the following Tuesdays from 3:00 PM- 4:30 PM located in Building ASC room 150. 欲了解更多信息,请联系


  • 3月12日星期二- ASC 150
  • 4月9日星期二- ASC 150


Click on the accordian's below to learn more about student clubs at VC!